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OSHA Expands Reporting Requirements

OSHA recently passed a new rule expanding injury reporting requirements starting January 1, 2015. Under the current rule, employers are required to report to OSHA all fatalities and all incidents resulting in the in-patient hospitalization of three or more employees within eight hours. Under the new rule, employers are required to report to OSHA all fatalities within eight hours and all in-patient hospitalizations, loss of an eye, or amputations within twenty-four hours, even if only one employee is injured.

The new rule will result in a significantly greater number of injuries reported to OSHA, and a significantly greater number of post-incident OSHA investigations and citations. Accordingly, all employers should ensure that their facilities and operations are OSHA-compliant, and that they have the necessary procedures in place to effectively manage an OSHA inspection.

About the Author
Matthew Horn
Posted - 05/27/2015 | Illinois