Lawyers For Justice

Edwin Aiwazian

Lawyers For Justice

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Edwin Aiwazian is all-in when it comes to fighting for those who need him the most. Fighting for California workers and victims of personal injuries is both an art and a science he has mastered. With his modern, sophisticated approach, he is the strongest advocate and voice for the people in need of justice. He believes the truth always wins and should never be compromised. Edwin believes in treating everyone with humanity and the utmost respect. He isn’t afraid to take any case to trial or prosecute companies who’ve exploited California workers.

Edwin has been a game changer in the practice of law. Continually evolving and learning, he sets a standard for determination and has a proven track record of achieving incredible results in the most difficult cases. Under his leadership, Lawyers for Justice, PC has recovered millions of dollars for thousands of individuals in California. Edwin leads by example in a powerful effort to maximize the recovery for his clients.

As a co-manager of Lawyers for Justice, PC, Edwin has built an unmatched, powerhouse team of lawyers who can take on the most challenging cases against the most formidable adversaries. He is a firm believer that in order to achieve the best results for his clients, he must treat his adversaries – both defendants and opposing counsel – with professionalism. He has a zero tolerance policy for any gamesmanship, and he will only take on matters where the impact of litigation is justified. While using his fierce legal prowess to help advance the truth, Edwin shows massive restraint in all aspects of litigation to help deliver justice efficiently.

Areas of Law and Practice

Areas of Law Areas of Practice
Labor and Employment Affirmative Action, Age Discrimination in Employment, Americans with Disabilities Act, Caregiver Discrimination, Child Labor Law, Civil Service, Collective Bargaining, Confidentiality Agreements, Covenants Not To Compete, Employee Discipline, Employee Drug Testing, Employee Leasing, Employee Privacy, Employee Rights, Employer Intentional Torts, Employer Liability, Employer Rights, Employment Arbitration, Employment at Will, Employment Breach of Contract, Employment Civil Rights, Employment Claims, Employment Class Actions, Employment Contracts, Employment Defense, Employment Disability Discrimination, Employment Discrimination, Employment Law, Employment Litigation, Employment Mediation, Employment Practices Liability Insurance, Employment Rights, Employment Termination, Equal Employment Opportunity Law, Executive Employment Law, Executive Severance Contracts, Executive Transfers, Fair Employment Practices, Fair Labor Standards, Family and Medical Leave Act, Federal Employment Law, Harassment, Human Resources Law, International Employment Contracts, International Labor Law, Labor Antitrust, Labor Arbitration, Labor Law, Labor Legislation, Labor Relations, Labor Strikes, Management Employment Law, Management Labor Law, Minimum Wage Law, National Labor Relations Act, National Origin Discrimination, Negligent Hiring, Noncompete Litigation, Noncompetition and Non-Solicitation, Agreements, Outsourcing, Personnel Policies, Personnel Training, Pregnancy Discrimination, Prevailing Wage Litigation, Public Sector Collective Bargaining, Public Sector Employment Law, Public Sector Labor Relations, Reductions in Force, Restrictive Covenants, Retaliatory Discharge, Security Clearances, Sexual Harassment, Title VII Discrimination, Unfair Labor Practices, Uniformed Services Employment, and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), Union Contract Negotiations, Union Elections, Union Labor Law, Union Organization, Wage and Hour Class Actions, Wage and Hour Law, WARN Act, Whistleblower Litigation, Workplace Violence, Wrongful Termination, Wrongful Termination Defense
Workers Compensation Black Lung, Defense Base Act, Federal Workers Compensation, Industrial Insurance, Workers Compensation Appeals, Workers Compensation Arbitration, Workers Compensation Defense, Workers Compensation Mediation, Workers Compensation Self Insurance, Workers Compensation Subrogation


  • California

Employment History

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  • Glendale, California, Los Angeles County

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