3 Tips For Planning Your Marketing Strategy As A Law Firm

Like any other business, getting your marketing right as a law firm is vital to setting your business apart and a critical part of helping clients find the right attorney. In the American Bar Association’s Legal Technology Survey Report, only 47 percent of firms had a marketing budget. Interestingly, it was the larger firms that seemed to have a dedicated marketing budget in place. Solo and smaller practices were still lagging behind their competitors when it came to investing in a marketing strategy, use of key marketing tools like a website, and their adoption of trending marketing tactics in their marketing plan like video marketing. Yet as the marketing industry becomes more crowded and competitive, spending time on planning and developing a strong marketing strategy can be one of the best moves a law firm makes.

Keep Your Branding Strong And Consistent

Consumers choose products and brands with who they identify; whose mission statements resonate with them. This is a key reason behind the boom in eco-friendly product sales. It is no different when they are choosing a lawyer. Therefore, spending time and money on building a brand presence that appeals to your target clients ensures your firm is not overlooked. Experts recommend focusing on the result of your clients when creating your branding. For instance, attorneys specializing in personal injury or criminal cases may want to use an image portraying justice.

Your branding tactics should also be consistent and align throughout all of your channels. This includes your law firm’s website, social media accounts, and offline promotional materials. Decide on your firm’s tone of voice, target market, and culture. Use these as defining markers when designing your brands and developing SMART goals for your firm. The use of a copywriting guide can also help you position your brand in the market with the help of well-thought-out legal copy such as a legal blog on your website. State bar and ethical considerations must be kept in mind at all times when using legal copy to build your brand.

Optimize Your Content For Local Search

Local SEO is particularly effective for law firms since almost 100 percent of people looking for legal advice start online. Furthermore, a stunning percentage of those are looking for attorneys near them. Optimizing your website and content for local search helps you stand out from those closest to your law firm, and also drive traffic to your website.

The basics of local SEO for lawyers include taking advantage of tools like Google My Business to increase your visibility on local searches. Law firms can also boost their online presence by including customer reviews. Finally, do not neglect the value of inbound links in your content. They are quite effective at improving your rankings in searches.

Rely On Customer Feedback And Research To Drive Your Content Strategy

A solid marketing strategy is constructed on the foundation of great market research. Knowing what your target audience wants helps a firm to tailor its marketing to meet those needs. While it does take some time and investment, it certainly pays off to take the time to get to know what your prospective clients want from you.

Reach out to your clients or target audience to enquire what they are looking for. Ask questions on the kind of legal issues they are mostly facing or what their goals are when seeking an attorney. Finally, remember to accept negative feedback gracefully. Ask past clients what they would improve about their past interactions- with your law firm and any other attorneys they may have worked within the past.

With clients having more choices in their legal representation these days, a good marketing strategy is no longer a great addition- it is now a necessity. Focuses on what your clients are looking for and keeping your tactics tailored to your brand/target audience is a good place to start.

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Posted - 07/28/2021