5 Mistakes to Avoid While Prepping for LSAT

It is very uncommon for LSAT aspirants to take the test prep lightly. Most of them take tutoring aside from self-training, take mock tests, and work tirelessly. And yet, it is a small percentile that attains their target scores. Some of them even fail the exam on their first attempt.

So what are they doing wrong?

It is no news that the LSAT is a tough nut to crack. You must face it resolutely and defeat it so you can grab that coveted seat in the most prestigious law schools in the country. As much as you need to focus on getting every aspect of the prep right, you should also know what could go wrong while you are getting ready.

1. Not Sticking on to the Plan

If you didn't know this already, discipline is the difference between the good and the great. You need to invest the right amount of time in studying. Too much of LSAT tutoring, you might be past your peak performance on the test day. Too little might not give you enough time to exhaust your study materials. Above all, it doesn't matter how meticulously you have created the study plan; it is not effective unless you follow it through.

Oftentimes, students tend to spend more time planning than actually carrying it out. You need to be focused on building the right momentum to perform your best on the test day.

2. Setting Unrealistic Expectations

Ideally, it is recommended to spend around three months on LSAT preparation. This translates to 200 to 300 hours, which could be spread over a few months. However, this is not a golden rule. Each student has a different caliber, and you might need to put in more hours to achieve your goal. Do not assume that you can score high within three months. Instead of counting the hours, take practice tests, and compare your scores.

3. Not Handling the Pressure

How you perform on the test not only depends on how well you have prepared but also how well you are able to handle the hours of high pressure. If you are anxious, you might make mistakes that you might not otherwise. This is why you need to practice under similar conditions. Time your practice tests, and if you find yourself panicking or losing focus, be ready with tactics to bring you back.

4. Divided Energy

Those few months you set aside for LSAT preparation deserves your undivided attention. Understandably, you might have other commitments, but if they divert your attention, you need to get your priorities straight. If you want to get into the best schools, it is best to reorganize your life around this one goal.

5. Getting Discouraged

It is not unusual to feel bummed out if you scored poorly on the first few practice tests. But that is precisely why you are preparing for an exam. To work on your weak points and hone your strengths. The fear of failure might be your strongest enemy here. You need to address any concerns you have and learn from your mistakes. Be assiduous during your practice tests, and work your way through the scores.

The most crucial aspect of LSAT test success is your mindset. You need to combat anything and everything from self-doubt to burnout. The bottom line is don't expect overnight results. Give yourself the time to learn and get better so you can conquer the test with confidence. 

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Posted - 10/21/2020