How to Make the Most Out of a Road Accident

Photo by JÉSHOOTS from Pexels

Even the safest streets in the country could be the venue of a horrific accident. Reckless driving does more harm to motorists than other factors on the road. The good thing is that victims of accidents caused by negligent drivers have the right to be compensated for the physical and financial damages they suffer.

Then again, launching a claim against a driver at fault doesn’t always guarantee a high payout. If anything, the other party could either be underinsured or uninsured and you may not have enough facts to support your claim. If you have been a victim of a road accident, it’s well within your right to get compensated based on how much you’ve suffered. Here’s how to do it:

1. Always keep tabs on your health

Just because you had minor scratches doesn’t mean you’re safe from a major physical issue. In most cases, small bruises may conceal more serious complications that should be factored into your claim. You will need to undergo a physical checkup even if you’re cleared of initial injuries. Delayed injuries are expected after an accident, so detecting them early on can help strengthen your claim.

2. Substantiate your claim

Aside from monitoring your health and gathering medical receipts, you will need to reinforce your claim further by gathering evidence. A police report issued after the accident may have only some of the right details in place, especially if the authorities arrived too late. Opt to document the scene yourself by taking photos and interviewing witnesses on the scene. All of these details will be consolidated by your attorney and establish proof of the other party’s fault.

3. Be reasonable when dealing with insurance adjusters

Your insurance company will send a claims adjuster to investigate your case. This is a normal process, but one that could potentially undervalue your claims if you’re not careful. The other party’s insurer may seem reasonable when they ask you for details about the accident, but their goal is justifying a lower payout or nullifying your claim. Having a lawyer by your side will help you avoid sharing information that could downsize your claim.

4. Always consult with a specialized attorney

When launching a road accident claim, your lawyer should be in charge of every technical process. You may not have too much knowledge about civil and criminal law, so it pays to always ask your legal expert before accepting any settlement offer or talking to any third-party entity that may have connections with the other party.

To ensure that you will get the most out of your claim, work only with an attorney who has had experience handling the same case in the same county. If you were involved in a motorcycle accident in Arizona, reach out to a Salt Lake City or Phoenix Motorcycle Accident lawyer who will guarantee a swift and less costly resolution.


You can’t expect other motorists to do their part in making the road safer. Your best weapon is the law and knowing how to strengthen your claim will help you recover financially and physically from your ordeal. 

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Posted - 03/13/2024