Legal Questions

Will my child custody case be affected if someone in my home was recently arrested for drugs?

My 18 yr. old brother who lives with me was arrested one week ago with a felony for possession of 2.8 ozs. of marijuana & intent to distribute. How will this affect my fight for custody of my 4 yr. old son?

Posted - on 08/03/2018 | Illinois

Answers (2)


1 Contributions

If you spouse finds out about the arrest they will use it against you. Claiming the child is living in an unsafe environment where drugs are being used and sold. Thus bringing unsavory and possibly dangerous people to your home. Also possibly raises questions about whether you are using drugs and whether drugs are being used in front of your child. None of this is good. I would obviously want to talk to you in more detail about your case frist, but you should seriously consider having your brother move out of the house if possibly. I am a very experienced custody attorney with over 30 years of legal experience. I practice in Cook, Will and DuPage counties. If you would like to discuss your case in more detail or set up an appointment at my Hickory Hills or Oak Brook office, please call me at 708-308-1473. Thanks. Jim Siwek

Posted - on 08/03/2018

Charles Dobra

6 Contributions

There can be so many permutations regarding this factual situation, that it is almost impossible to answer given your question. The possibility that it will affect your quest for child custody is significant.

Posted - on 08/03/2018